Tag Archives: paul elam

Pandagon’s Marcotte on the Influence Paul Elam and MRAs Have on Actual Men’s Advocacy

I am not the only one who sees through the False Rape Society and Paul Elam’s bullshit. Amanda Marcotte takes on the Good Men Project’s founder, Tom Matlack, whose mind has been apparently poisoned by the likes of Paul Elam. It appears that Matlack’s style of confrontation is just like Elam’s:

When you make a bunch of baseless, unevidenced, generalizing arguments about a group of people—in this case, feminists and women as a group—and when challenged, cannot and will not provide evidence, you’re not making argument. You’re simply being prejudiced. Tom is whining that feminists don’t feel empathy for “men”, even though I quoted men extensively in my rebuttal to him and demonstrated ample empathy and understanding of men—starting with the understanding that “men” are not a monolith. He’s got nothing. He’s just spouting sexist blather and, when called on it, whining about meanie feminists instead of proving his arguments or hell, even giving a specific example of what the fuck he’s talking about when he accuses women as a group of being so mean and unaccepting of men.

I highly encourage reading Marcotte’s article over at Pandagon. Flame on.

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Female soldiers more likely to be raped by fellow soldiers than killed in battle

“Rape within the US military has become so widespread that it is estimated that a female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be attacked by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire.”

But remember what Paul Elam and his MRA friends tell you: Rape culture doesn’t exist and if it did it would have nothing to do with significant patterns of male sexual violence.

Also from the article, the main reason why I do not believe the False Rape Society and the MRA claim that they want to build a better life for men: “But military rape is not only a women’s issue. According to the Veterans Affairs Office, 37% of the sexual trauma cases reported last year were men. ‘Men are even more isolated than women following rape,’ Bhagwati says. ‘Because it has an even bigger social stigma.’” Here we see that if the FRS and MRAs wanted to make a better life for men, they would also come to the aid of male sexual assault victims. But that is not the point of the FRS. These groups exist because they are rooted in a fear and hatred for female power, they believe only women are capable of wrong, and the fact that rape is harder to get away with these days seems to make them really upset.

Hat-tip to Pharyngula for featuring the Guardian story this morning.

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